One should notice by now that nutrient food supplements are really popular nowadays. Of course, these are not only vitamins, they are not only food, and they are not medicine. This is why they are not managed by the Food and Drug Administration which is the authority responsible for making sure that food and medicine products are duly tested to be effective, digestible, and if the claims made by the products are true.
This is why a lot of food supplement claims are false, since they do not have to be tested. Some supplements can either have no effect or can even be harmful to one's health.
Is the reason you want to take C24/7 is because you are ashamed, say of being over weight, or are you ashamed of being a weakling without much energy? Ads usually tell you that a supplement will solve such problems. But the fact is, it is likely that you don't really need these supplements.
In the end, the best reason to take such supplements is if it is directly prescribed by your nutritionist or doctor. If that is the case, then the supplement they want you to take will most likely have been tested and can be absorbed by the body.
Not all dietary supplements are useless or bad. However, these should be taken the right way in the right amounts. The fact is, a well balanced diet full of fruits, veggies, protein, calcium from dairy foods, and good fats without too much fat, then you will not really have much of a need for additional supplementary foods since your already have all that you will need.
But of course, in a busy life, cooking all the correct foods and buying all the right foods will require too much time. Sometimes people just can't spare the time and effort to do this. Also, old people as well as the very young will need extra vitamins such as the vitamin B complexes that are necessary for energy. Vitamin A and B complex is also necessary for women who are planning to have children.
A lot of people will take supplements in order to maintain a good sleep cycle. Melatonin is a good supplement for this. However, this will only work if the cause for one's lack of sleep is lack of melatonin in the first place.
Can c24/7 interacts with Ativan?